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HomeAktualności › Kosciuszko Foundation's Summer Studies Abroad Program. Deadline: 05.20.23

Kosciuszko Foundation's Summer Studies Abroad Program. Deadline: 05.20.23


The Kosciuszko Foundation is currently accepting applications for 2023 Summer Studies Abroad Program. The Kosciuszko Foundation offers Tomaszkiewicz-Florio and Wisconsin Study Polish Scholarships for students who wish to study Polish at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow or the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin.

The Jagiellonian University offers 3-week and 4-week programs. Students can enroll in Polish language classes and up to two lectures from among the following courses: Polish grammar, history, literature, contemporary life in Poland, and the History of Jews in Poland.

The John Paul II Catholic University offers courses which are designed for students who wish to acquire versatility in their communication skills and develop a thorough understanding of the Polish language and culture. Language courses are available from 2 to 8 weeks.

The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships for Summer Studies Abroad:

  • The Tomaszkiewicz-Florio Scholarship offers a number of scholarships to American students of Polish descent to take part in Summer Study programs in the Polish language at the Jagiellonian University and the John Paul II Catholic University.
  • The Wisconsin Study Polish Scholarship offers two scholarships to Wisconsin students of Polish descent to study the Polish language and history through the Jagiellonian University.

Scholarships include tuition, a Polish language textbook, accommodation in a double room, meals, a tourist program, and a cultural program.

ELIGIBILITY: US citizens and US legal residents of Polish descent. High school graduates who will be 18 by the first day of their chosen program and undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. The Wisconsin Scholarship is also open to graduate level students. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.

Students can also participate in the Summer Studies Abroad Program as paying students.

For more information, please visit: 2023 Summer School Abroad >>>

Deadline for Application and Supporting Materials: May 20, 2023.

KF Scholarship and Grant Officer for Americans: