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HomeAktualności › Polonia of Long Island, Inc. - 2021 Scholarship Application

Polonia of Long Island, Inc. - 2021 Scholarship Application


Applications must be postmarked on or before February 25, 2022. Scholarships awarded to undergraduate students of Polish descent.

All applicants must:

  1. Be of a Polish descent.
  2. Have own or family membership of Polonia of Long Island, Inc.
  3. Students who have been awarded two Polonia of Long Island, Inc. scholarships may not apply.

The following need to be included in your application:

  1. Completed application: Download Application Here >>>
  2. 3-5 page typewritten, double-spaced, original essay in English on one of the following topics:
    • I. “Migrants around the world are flooding borders. What would you recommend as far as strategies for both the countries people are fleeing from and the countries they are emigrating to.”
    • II. “China and implications of taking over the world. Will they be the next superpower as their economy has slowly grown?”
    • III. “My body my choice” - In life, we are always deciding between choices that support our personal beliefs and the choices that are the best for the world. Write about a choice you had to make that made you question or evaluate your beliefs. Put your name and address information on the cover sheet of the Essay. (Do NOT put your name or any identifying information on any page of the essay.)
  3. Provide official transcripts from all colleges attended (copies will not be accepted) with a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA.
  4. List and describe any extracurricular activities and other current interests. Use an additional sheet of paper if needed.
  5. Enclose two letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes. At least one of them must be on an institution letterhead from a faculty member attesting to your academic qualities. One can be from an individual of your choice who has known you for at least two years.
  6. Please explain any special circumstances you wish to bring to the attention of the Scholarship Committee on a separate sheet of paper.
  7. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive confirmation of your application by mail.

Please forward your complete application to:


Applications must be postmarked on or before February 25, 2022.

Download Application Here >>>